Roofing Contractor


Friday, January 11, 2008

Childproofing Your Home Office


Childproofing Your Office

If you are working from home while the kids are there, your kids will be in your office with you, at least some of the time. This way you can keep an eye on them, besides, they want to be where Mom or Dad is anyway. Childproofing your office makes it a safe place for your child and a safe place for your business.

If you have very young ones, literally crawl around your office to get a perspective of the enticements and dangers to your child. Older children are able to follow any office rules you lay down, but even they can be tempted by some new item. Evaluate your office from their view and make changes before your child or your work is jeopardized.

- Move or cushion furniture with sharp corners and secure
heavy furniture that can be toppled
- Lock drawers
- Put outlet covers on any open outlets
- Hide cords that beg to be pulled or tripped over. Use cord
organizers or run them under special cord mats or behind
- Cover disk drives and other enticing openings with tape or
cardboard attached with Velcro
- Put away the small stuff like paper clips, rubber bands,
and staples.
- Put away the sharp objects as well, scissors, push pins,
pencils, etc.
- Set up a screensaver with password on your computer
- Keep objects you don't want touched in less accessible
areas: on shelves, on filing cabinets, in closets
- Pack books tightly in the bookshelf if you don't want little
ones pulling them out.
- Install shelves on the walls to place items above reach
- Purchase plastic bins with lids for storing supplies.
Colored bins obscure the contents inside and provide less
- Create a filing system that keeps papers filed away.
Desktop trays or vertical wall hanging folders work well
for in and out boxes.

Tracey Dishman Patterson
The Parent's Home Office

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